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Arapahoe County Quilters

Celebrating the Art of Quiltmaking for 30+ Years

Festival of Quilts will be June 6-7 2025. Look for more information on the
Festival of Quilts home page.

ACQ Winter Retreat

  • February 14, 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • February 16, 2025
  • 2:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 0


  • This is for retreat registration and packet pickup IN-PERSON at the January guild meeting on January 9th or arrange to pick it up at the February guild meeting on February 13th.

    If you are unable to pick up your packet at the guild meeting, please select the mail option.
  • This option is for retreat registration and shipping (if you are unable to pick up your packet in person).

    Your registration packet will be mailed to you via priority mail before the the event.

Registration is closed

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Come and join us for our fourth annual virtual retreat!  Your admission includes events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  You are welcome to come the entire time, or pop-in and out depending on your own schedule.

The retreat fee covers your registration, a pre-retreat quilt pattern and opportunity to participate in QUILT BINGO, supplies for a project, quilt block ideas, prize drawings, games and entry into the GRAND PRIZE give away.

Since we are virtual, you can invite friends from all across the country (and world) to experience a quilty "cruise" to warmer weather (from the comfort of your own home).  The more the merrier!  


There are two options for registration.  The first is to have your registration packet mailed - the second is for pick-up only at the ACQ guild meeting in February.  Mailed packets will go out in early February - so you will have everything in order when the retreat begins.


You will also have the option to participate in QUILT BINGO.  This is a pre-retreat activity in which you will create flying geese blocks with 6 different coordinating fabrics (or scrap fabrics in your favorite colorway) of your choice.  If you choose to participate, a pattern will be emailed to you with instructions and a layout suggestion for turning your BINGO board into a finished quilt.


Subject to change, but we wanted to give you an idea of what to expect.

ACQ Virtual Retreat

Friday, February 14th   Florida

Zoom room available 5pm to midnight, host available until 9pm

5:00pm Zoom Room Ready – drop in and get settled

6:30pm KICKOFF!  Introductions, agenda overview, Q&A

7:00pm Project

8:15pm Group Toast

8:30pm Open Sew

Saturday, February 15th   Jamaica

Zoom room available 24/7, host available 8:00am – 9:00pm

8:00am Zoom host arrives and open sew

10:00am Project

2:00pm Chair yoga

4:00pm First block announcement, Show and Tell

7:00pm Fun & Games

8:15pm Group Toast – BYOB

8:30pm Open Sew

Sunday, February 16th   Bermuda

Zoom room available until the last person leaves, host available 8:00am to 2:00pm

8:00am Zoom host arrives and open sew

10:00 am Second Block announcement, Show and Tell

11:00am Coffee break with ACQ board

1:00pm Closing ceremony and drawing for Grand Prizes 


Meetings held the 2nd Thursday of each month

All meetings are streamed online

In person meetings are held at:

Our Father Lutheran Church

6335 S Holly St, Centennial, CO


 © 2024 Arapahoe Count


Arapahoe County Quilters
PO Box 5357
Englewood, CO 80155


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